Get Up and Go! Finding Gains in Stroke Rehabilitation Recovery – Mary’s Story
“Either you are going to stay like this or you are going to get up and you’re going to start doing something real quick.” Days after experiencing a stroke, Mary Rosales Garcia tapped into her inner motivation and pushed herself through stroke rehabilitation at Mary Free Bed at Covenant HealthCare. In this video, learn how […]
Wonder Woman: Kaitlynn’s rehabilitation journey
Kaitlynn Farr’s rehabilitation journey started after a car accident left her with broken hips, a broken ankle, and two fractured vertebrae. Just a few months later she’s walking without any assistive device making her Wonder Woman nickname never more fitting.
Food for Thought: Ruby’s Story
Ruby is just 11 weeks old. She is experiencing weakness in the muscles used to eat and drink safely. Mary Free Bed at Covenant’s interdisciplinary approach in its outpatient feeding clinic is helping infants like Ruby tip the scales in the right direction.
Dylan’s Story: KAFO and on the Go
Dylan was diagnosed with Genu Varum and internal tibial torsion, and the earlier we can treat it, the better. The team at Mary Free Bed at Covenant HealthCare Orthotics & Prosthetics + Bionics aims to take Dylan’s everyday movements to the next level. Learn how KAFO braces work to keep kids on the go as […]